Goodlife Studio: Launching into the Future of Active Ageing Centres



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Goodlife Studio: Launching into the Future of Active Ageing Centres

Goodlife Studio, the signature brand for Montfort Care eldercare services, was officially launched on Saturday 13 April to about 80 community partners including Guest of Honour, Member of Parliament for Radin Mas SMC Mr Melvin Yong, the Agency for Integrated Care (AIC), Ministry of Health (MOH) and Caritas at the Bukit Purmei Carpentry Studio. 


While the launch was a “closed door” event where special guests were the first to be introduced to the concept of future-ready active ageing centres, the public was treated to a community carnival held at the adjacent void deck space that featured the unique themes that make up Goodlife Studio.

All our five studios are thematically curated, programmatically designed and lifestyle focused for seniors, prioritising their agency by offering them spaces to learn, participate in activities, as well as the avenue to give back to community via a Tea Bar, Carpentry Studio, Digital Media Studio, Bike Kitchen, and a Community Theatre.



The launch was picked up by various media including Straits Times, Lianhe Zaobao, Mediacorp 8 news that same evening, and Berita Harian. 

Since then, Montfort Care continues to receive inquiries from seniors to enrol at Goodlife Studio, as well as sustained interest from various media including an upcoming feature on Mediacorp 8 TV series 前线追踪


If you’re interested in collaborating with Goodlife Studio, write in to


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